So…when and where do we set up our intentional community?!? Who’s in??!!

I daydream about living, thriving, SUSTAINable Community!

Think of the massive changes we could make for ourselves, our loved ones of all ages, our framily members….and think about all the abundant energy, availability and capacity that could be spilling over and into the broader, deeper changes we need in this place, on this globe…oh! I truly yearn for this reality.

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Feb 20Liked by Chris Balme

I love it! A business mentor once told me that a good strategy includes not only what you *will do* but also what you *will stop doing* to make room for the new actions.

As a Montessori parent, I often hear parents debating when they will take their kids out so they can be sure they are testing at grade level, and sometimes worry myself.

For that matter, the same principle applies to working mothers: held to the standard of homemaking of their stay-at-home predecessors and the long hours of younger, unattached colleagues.

In each case, we need to make choices that work for us, otherwise we face burnout.

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Really good stuff here, Chris! The idea that you need to let somethings go to focus on others is a concept I'm still learning in my professional life; I hadn't even thought about how it applies in parenting, esp. in the realm of unconsciously learned parenting practices.

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Chris for president 2024!

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